Dr. Márcio Weber Paixão
Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR).
Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)(Instituição Sede da última proposta de pesquisa).

Professor Márcio Weber Paixão received his BSc in Chemistry in 2003 from the Federal University of Santa Maria, UFSM, Brazil. In 2007, he completed his PhD under the supervision of Prof. A. L. Braga (UFSM – Brazil) and co-supervision of Professor Dr Ludger Wessjohann (Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry – IPB Halle – Germany), working with catalytic enantioselective methodologies. He immediatelystarted postdoctoral studies at the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and then at the Center for Catalysis, University of Aarhus, DK, where he worked under the guidance of Professor. Karl A. Jørgensen.
In 2010 he started his independent career at the Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. after 2012 he worked as a visiting professor in the Group of Professor Carlos F. Barbas III at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI). Betwen 2016 to 2017 he had a sabbatical research stay at the University of California Berkeley with Professor F. Dean Toste.
His research interests focus on the development of new catalytic methodologies. He has 145 publications in journals with selective editorial policy which rendered 4.876 citations and h-Index of 39.
Dr. Antonio Topete Camacho
Profesor Investigador Asociado B
Laboratorio de Inmunología
Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad de Guadalajara


La línea de investigación del Dr. Topete se enmarca en la Síntesis y aplicación de nanomateriales teranósticos. Ha supervisado la formación de estudiantes de pre y postgrado en esta área de investigación. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel Candidato y Sistema Nacional de Investigadores nivel I.

Ha realizado estancia de investigación en el Biophotonik Group del Dr. Wolfgang Parak, en la Phillips Universität Marburg, Alemania. Post-doctorado en la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Cuajimalpa, en la Ciudad de México. Profesor de transferencia de masa, Ingeniería Química, CUCEI, UdeG. Diplomado Seis Sigma Black Belt.

Presenta proyectos de investigación financiados por Fondos Sectoriales del CONACYT y apoyo a nuevo PTC PRODEP. Entre los premios destacan XIX EDICIÓN DEL Certamen Anual a la mejor Tesis doctoral en el área de ciencia e ingeniería de materiales, premio IIM-UNAM 2014.
Dr. Chunlin Xu
Adjunct Professor
Universidad Åbo Akademi en Finlandia

Titulo ponencia: "Lignocellulosic nanomaterials and biopolymers: packaging barriers and biomedical hydrogels"

Chunlin Xu (Researcher ID: H-5224-2012), Adjunct Professor, is the Head of the Research Group of Wood and Paper Chemistry at the Johan Gadolin Process Chemistry Centre of Åbo Akademi University (AAU) in Finland.  He received his PhD in chemical engineering from AAU, Finland in 2008. His PhD research focused on forest product chemistry. He conducted his post-doctoral research with Prof. Harry Brumer at the School of Biotechnology and Wallenberg Wood Science Center, KTH the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and developed carbohydrate bioengineering approaches for functionalization of various biomasses. He has established his own research activities in biorenewable materials with a focus on the development of bio-based functional materials towards various high-end applications including but not limited to medical treatments and bioplastics. His recent research activities have been mainly focused on following subjects: characterization of plant cell wall components, biomass processing and fractionation, carbohydrate chemistry and polysaccharides modification, and development of bio-based advanced materials using emerging fabrication tools such as 3D printing. In between, he pursued in total three-year experiences working in world-leading chemical industries. He has published 80+ papers on peer-reviewed scientific journals and contributed to 70+ conference abstracts and proceedings.
Dra. Paloma Yañez-Sedeño Orive
Dpto. Química Analítica, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Titulo ponencia: “Plataformas electroquímicas inmunosensoras para enfermedades autoinmunes”

La línea de investigación de la Dra Yañez-Sedeño se basa en el desarrollo de biosensores electroquímicos (inmunosensores) para la determinación de biomarcadores de obesidad, envejecimiento, inflamación, enfermedades cardiovasculares, autoinmunes y cáncer. En este contexto, ha supervisado 12 Tesis Doctorales, 11 Proyectos de Fin de Máster, 7 de Iniciación a la Investigación, 6 Diplomas de Estudios Avanzados, 39 Proyectos de Licenciatura o de Grado, 18 Tesinas, tutelados 14 Proyectos de Prácticas en Empresa.

Registra más de 166 artículos en el área de Química Analítica y Electroquímica. Sumado a lo anterior, ha publicado 24 capítulos de libro sobre temas de Electroquímica en editoriales internacionales (Wiley, Wiley-Blackwell, RSC, Elsevier, entre otras).

Desde 1995 ha dirigido 13 proyectos de investigación financiados por organismos nacionales (8), autonómicos (2), y de empresa: Danone (2) y BSCH (1). Además, se ha participado en 24 proyectos: europeos (2), nacionales (8), autonómicos (5), universitarios (6), de la AECID (3) y de la Fundación Ramón Areces (1).
Dr. Ignacio Sirés
Profesor agregado
Departament de Ciència de Materials i Química Física
Universitat de Barcelona

Título de la ponencia: Por una Electroquímica Ambiental más aplicable: desarrollo de catalizadores, electrodos y procesos

He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Chemistry with European's Mention in 2007, both from the Universitat de Barcelona. He has also conducted materials engineering studies at the Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. His thesis, carried out at the Materials and Environmental Electrochemistry Laboratory within the team of Prof. E. Brillas, was devoted to the development of electrochemical advanced oxidation processes for the treatment of pharmaceutical drugs in waters, focusing on direct anodic oxidation with BDD anodes and electro-Fenton and related electrochemical processes. Dr. Sirés' scientific contributions are reflected in more than 30 publications in ISI journals, book chapters, and his participation as an invited lecturer at several international congresses. In 2008, he was awarded the 'Electrochimica Acta Travel Award for Young Electrochemists' by the ISE. His research interests include the environmental electrochemistry coupled to solar water treatment, the electrochemical engineering, and the study of advanced nanostructured electrode materials aiming to develop novel and promising electrochemical technologies. Since September 2009, he is an Assistant Professor (Lector) at the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Universitat de Barcelona.
Dr. Joel Donna
Associate Professor
Science Education at University of Winsconsin

Titulo ponencia: Using STEM Education Practices to Develop Science Literacy for All Learners

Dr. Donna prepares elementary and high school teachers to teach science by having their learners do science. He served as the STEM Specialist for the Minnesota Department of Education where he lead the development of a collaborative vision for STEM education in Minnesota and oversaw the federal Math Science Partnership Grants that provided professional development to over 600 teachers annually. He founded a non-profit organization that develops curriculum for beginning teachers of science, called 3Ring. Joel has developed curriculum and taught science from elementary to college aged learners in formal and informal settings. His research explores how curriculum materials can be designed to support teacher learning and has 5 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters.
Dr. Philippe Serp
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry
Polytechnic National Institute
Toulouse University

Titulo ponencia: From Nano to Single Atom Catalysis

He is Professor of Inorganic Chemistry in Toulouse University (Polytechnic National Institute), France. His current research interest in Coordination Chemistry Laboratory (CNRS) is nanocatalysis, illustrated by ca. 200 publications and 18 patents. He supervised 22 PhD and 15 post-doc in this field of research. His research interests include the preparation of nanostructured catalytic materials, nanocatalysis, and molecular approaches to understand heterogeneous catalysis. His research has been recognized by the Catalysis (2004) and Industrial Chemistry (2012) Division Awards of the French Chemical Society.